Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back home and back to FL

First of all, sorry I have not posted in a while...I'd say I was able to see a good number of those of you who read this during my 10 days back in Tennessee. But if you're not among that group (or even if you are), I thought I'd let you know what I've been up to.

I spent the 10 days home in Tennessee, working toward getting 100% support. I was privileged to speak in Knoxville at Thorn Grove Christian Church, at Oakwood Forest Christian Church in Kingsport (where I grew up), and at Life Bridge Christian Church in Kingsport.

My friends and the congregations were very supportive and took genuine interest in NMSI and my ministry within the organization. Each meeting was a blessing, and I left feeling encouraged.

While I was home, two things truly stood out to me:
1. I have a great family
2. I have great friends

I know that for some, the idea of getting together with family does little more than cause frustration and create ulcers. With my family, it's not that way at all. I'm blessed by parents, siblings, nephews, and nieces that I truly love...and love me back. We may all not agree on politics, church, or some other issues that tend to divide...and the great thing is, that's ok. Whether or not we love and care for each other has nothing to do with opinion or action. Love is deeper than difference. Maybe this is some bragging, but really...I'm blessed to see good marriages modeled by my parents, and each of my siblings and their spouses. So I can't wait til Thanksgiving!

My friends are great. Maybe this is more bragging, but I really am blessed by a great/eclectic group of friends. During my time back in Tennessee, I was able to spend time with a variety of friends. I just want to take a moment though to talk about one of my best friends, Chris Morgan. Chris and I go way back...I mean, we were in church Christmas plays when we were kids, we played high school football together, and I was proud to be the best man in his wedding to Emily. A few months ago, Chris found out he had a malignant brain tumor which required an operation. I encourage you to check out Chris's story at this website:

My thoughts on Chris, his friendship, his recovery are another post entirely, but for now I merely want to say that Chris is doing so well, and being able to spend time with him while I was in Tennessee was great. We were even able to go to the Tennessee-Alabama game last week. Even though the Vols aren't so good, we had a blast...and it was great to spend time with my friend...who by the grace of God is getting better every day!

Thanks again for checking up on my blog...I'll have some election thoughts tomorrow. They probably will not be what you expect!

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